Be the face of India in the world of quality, participating vigorously in the activities of the Asian Network for Quality and partnering with other quality organizations globally.
Provide opportunities for members to interact through Chapter activities in diverse geographies
Recognize extensively, through many awards, the contributions of individuals in the field of quality.
Develop and administer citizen satisfaction indices on a number of services of national interest.
Build knowledge by establishing Divisions on the basis of business sectors, Forums or Think Tanks by topics.
Bring leaders, professionals, and academics together through conferences, talks, magazines and newsletters
Establish a credible national prize for organizations outstanding in the practice of quality.
Help build a national agenda on quality through structured interactions amongst leaders from business, government and the quality profession.
Offer selected certifications for the development of individuals in the quality discipline and specialized training.
Encourage research and advancement of knowledge to deepen the art and science of quality, through diverse approaches including contact with universities, symposia, journals, and publication of books.